"Friendly New Girl"
Are you New to FiA?
We are so happy you are here and excited to meet you. FiA is You against You! All fitness levels are welcome. Modifications are always encouraged to suit your fitness level. If this is your first time coming to a FiA workout, simply just show up and introduce yourself as an FNG (Friendly New Girl).
Things to know before you attend first workout:
1. Please be sure to read disclaimer and Inclement weather policy.
2. Check out our locations page and find an AO (Area of Operation) close to you. The schedule is a great reference for dates and type of workout for that day.
3. Dress code: wear comfortable outdoor workout gear. Dress for the weather as our workouts are ALWAYS held outdoors.
4. Things to bring: Don't stress out, just show up with a yoga mat (if you have one) and we will get you situated. Most workouts consist of bringing a yoga mat and light or medium dumbbells.
Here are FiA Principles explained:
FiA is for women only, including persons identifying as a woman.
FiA workouts are free. Always. No catches.
FiA is not a religious organization. Workouts are open to women of all religions and beliefs. We
accept all faiths.This might be faith in a god, a concept, the universe or the good of humanity, generally
a belief in something larger and outside of ourselves. At a FiA workout everyone is welcome, accepted
and never questioned for whatever that faith needs to be for each individual.
FiA is open to all fitness levels. Workouts are designed to meet the needs of everyone in
attendance. Be ready for a challenge, but know everything can be modified. No one is left behind.
There is always someone watching the back so no one is lost or feels alone/discouraged/unsure.
FiA workouts are outside, rain or shine. We do not cancel workouts unless conditions are absolutely
unsafe, because being together outdoors connects us with nature and each other. “Unsafe” means
lightning, tornados, icy roads, flash floods in the park, etc. When attired appropriately, hard rain,
painfully cold weather, and snow are all perfectly safe and are just another way to make us stronger.
Workouts might be modified to adjust to the conditions, such as seeking covered areas or parking
garages, or sticking to in-place moves like burpees.
A scheduled FiA workout is a promise. A scheduled workout starts and ends on time and will have
someone there every time. If a workout is canceled because of unsafe weather, a convergence, or a
major holiday, it will be announced on our social media platform(s).
A FiA workout ends with a Circle of Trust and Name-O-Rama. We acknowledge each individual
after every workout. If you’re new, you’ll receive a nickname right then and there. We take a moment to
pause in reflection or contemplation often with a motivating quote or story before going into the world.
Growth is a natural and important part of FiA. Fresh ideas and spirit are always welcome.
Are you on Slack Yet?
We use Slack as our main communication tool among members because it is a non-social media platform. It allows us to organize information in one place while also being able to communicate in real time. FiA Naperville posts all information about workouts, cancellations, events, and special messages in our Slack workspace! At your first workout you will be given a FiA name and QR code to download the slack app.

Now that you've made it this far, the next step is to Show Up and enjoy the sunrise with us!